Idle Time Planned Downtime
Operational Loss
Equipment Loss
Minor Stops/Speed Loss
Equipment Loss

Planned Lights Out - No Demand 

Start Up/Shut Down/CIPS/Changeovers
Operator Error
Equipment Breakdowns-Mechanical Pneumatic,Utilities
Unrecorded Stops or Minor Stops
Product waste

Planned Maintenance-No Production  

Planned Maintenance-During Production
Set ups or Adjusments
Equipment Breakdowns due to Packaging Material
Speed Losses (slowing downfiller or other Equipment constraints)
QA Sample Check (product lost)


External Support Failures (Syrup,Warehouse,Raw Material,People Utilities)
Equipment Breakdown due to packaging material
QA checks (line down due to waiting for results)

System Line Efficiency
A comparison of the actual number of cases produced during paid time, to the theoretical number of cases that could have been produced without any constraints.
To measure the actual efficiency based on a line’s full potential to highlight issues that may be impeding the capability of the line. For example:
1. Inefficiencies of line equipment
2. Inefficiencies within operating processes
(Total Units Produced / Theoretical Units Produced @ Unconstrained Line Speed) * 100
Theoretical units @ Unconstrained Line Speed is based on the O.E.M. filler line speed or faster times the total time scheduled to run. (Does not include any scheduled downtime)
Total Units Produced is the total number of quality units produced.